The United States. Land of opportunity, home of the free… and a nation where the middle class seems perpetually disgruntled, especially given the losing side of every election.
It’s a paradox: America undeniably offers unparalleled avenues for wealth creation, yet complaints about financial struggles are commonplace. Why?
The answer lies in a simple truth: while America is undeniably the best place to build wealth, it’s also incredibly easy to spend it.
We’re bombarded with advertising, inundated with enticing products, and surrounded by a culture that often equates spending with success. From humans kept as sheep thanks to consumerism to instant gratification, the temptations to splurge are endless.
* Consumerism on Steroids: We’re a consumer-driven society, with easy access to credit and a constant barrage of marketing messages urging us to buy now, pay later.
* The Instant Gratification Trap: Amazon Prime and other services have made it easier than ever to satisfy our desires instantly, making delayed gratification a lost art.
* Finally, we complain while watching the rich and powerful (all of whom I respect in certain ways) get MORE powerful (Trunk, the obvious), MORE rich (anyone see Musk’s net worth increase a few 10 billions last week?), right in front of us. These men aren’t hiding behind closed doors – the middle class is choosing it.
Anyway, for anyone whose Amazon driver is also their best friend, for the next few weeks I dare you to use Amazon Day delivery, and review your order ahead of time. Dare yourself to wait a few days and see what you really need.
Looking inward, I’ve been happy and rich with 2k take home. So why did I feel more broke at 5k? Again, the answer is simple – I joined the sheep.
Away with my paid off car, I must have another! Away with the used couch, we must get new! Ugh.
The above items are now scratched off my debt, to be replaced by even higher credit card debt. Ever filling the space we have with bigger better stuff until the space isn’t big enough.
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